When Life Gives You Lemons Make Orange Juice and Leave the World Wondering How You Did It
It is June 11 th , 2013 at 11:41am. I am sitting at my desk at work, bored, and the only thing I can think about are how the things I have accomplished over the past year are more important than the things I have accomplished for the past 25 years of my life. In January I decided what I wanted to do with myself and enrolled in school…again after telling my mother to fuck off from being on my back for soo long. I will be graduating this December. Sorry, but you cannot force someone to do something with their life when they are not ready. In our younger years we were told that we must graduate high school, go to some overrated college and we will find our dream 9-5 job. Now that we are in our 20’s, 30-somethings we know that is bullshit…with exceptions. Don’t go to an expensive university, loans will suck the life out of you. The name of it doesn't matter; your skills and being able to market yourself do. You’re not going to get your dream job right away just be...