
Pray for Humanity

                        Hello again there world. I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I've been pretty busy building a new site for my blogs and traveling the world, but I'm baaaccck! So as we all know during the weekend we had some major world events occur such as terrorist activities in certain parts of the world due to rebellious groups such as Boko Haram and Isis. One of the major and most talked about event was the terrorist attack in Paris. I am not here to speak about the events that happened on November 13, 2015 but people's reaction towards those who chose to "pray" for Paris and decided to use the hastag #FUCKPARIS. These people were extremely upset that people focused their attention more on the attacks in Paris than the rest of the world. I mean, people were really really upset about this. First I would like to bring this to everyones attention and excuse my language, but no one knew about the r...

Dream Board - Vacation House

I haven't post a blog in what seems like a life time, but 2014 kept me really busy from traveling to starting my own business. I can definitely say that 2014 was a wild ride, but definitely a great one.  After learning all that I could from real estate to stocks there is no doubt that my dreams only got bigger. I've realized that the time it will take me to save the money I needed to renovate my dream home while working a 9-5, being in the marketing industry would only take me less than half the time to complete my goals if I just stick with it. My parents have a home overseas. Learning about the difference between assets and liabilities I decided to turn their home into a vacation home. The island is known for carnival, so I knew I would get a high demand during the season. This year I plan on starting the renovations. Thank goodness for having contractors in the family. Here are a few of my ideas. Living room: I love the idea of having tavertine tile through out the hou...

Dear 20-Something and Frustrated Females...

I saw a friend post a status the other day expressing how she wasn't where she wanted to be in life and how her friends who finished college are living their dreams and have happy families. She mentioned how she felt at the age of 26 she was now finishing college and maybe her life would have been in a much better place if she just had done what she was suppose to do.  I also graduated college at the age of 26. I wasn't thinking of my age and how many of my friends graduated before me I was just thinking how it was finally over and I can finally move on to another chapter in my life.  Not really sure where I''m going with this maybe it's an open letter or just a rant, but bear with me. Am I the only 20-something year old female who is content with life and where I am besides my other close female friends? I mean I'm not married, no kids...yet (thank goodness), I have a couple of projects I'm working on overseas and a few here in the city. I'm ...

Don't Use Your Children As An Excuse

Thought for the day: Why do some parents make their child(ren) an excuse for whatever reason? This week I've had the chance to talk to many parents about success and sadly numerous times I kept getting EXCUSES that start with "My kids..." or "Since I've had kids, I've had to sacrifice...". First off you do not sacrifice anything for your kids. I never understood that statement. I don't care whet her they were a planned pregnancy or not because at the end of the day you still chose to keep them. Excuse my language and this may offend some people but I lack a great deal of empathy when it comes to this matter... My parents and I are from Trinidad and it's always been my mothers dream to come to America and own a daycare. She left my dad and I to come to America to work so she can bring us to the States. During that process she went to nursing school, became an LPN and got her green card so she could file for my dad and I and then we came....

If You Were to Disappear Would Anyone Miss You?

Two years ago I stumbled upon an article about a woman named, Joyce Carol Vincent, who was very popular among her friends. She was an aspiring singer in London and hung out with many elite people.   One day a woman called the police about a foul smell coming from her apartment. She complained about the smell to her land lord, but he couldn’t tell where it was coming from. A body was then discovered by bailiffs who came to repossess an apartment for non-payment of rent. There they noticed a decomposing body. The police said the body had been deceased for 3 years. This body belonged to the woman who was once so popular and surrounded herself with many people. No one noticed her gone and no family reported her missing. When I saw photos of this woman she was beautiful with long, dark curly hair, caramel skin and a smile that was as bright as the moon. Just by looking at the photo the LPD showed the public you can tell that the room would light up every time she walked in ...

Full Hearts. Empty Minds.

     I recently came back from a wonderful vacation in Trinidad & Tobago. During this Holiday I got to experience my first family reunion. I met family from Grenada, London, Canada, and California who I did not know about until now and reconnected with family in Trinidad.   Every night something was planned for us to do. We visited Tobago and swam in the Buccoo reef, enjoyed bake and shark on the sandy white beaches of Pigeon Point, had church service where two of my cousins embraced the word of God through their dance, competed against some relatives during Family Fun Day and danced and mingled the night away during our formal and final night together as “The Marcelle’s”. Through this experience I got to view my family tree of 7,000 family members around the world, thanks to my grandparents for having 16 children and my grandfather coming from a big family as well. I got the chance to hear the most beautiful accents in the world, eat the most exqui...

When Life Gives You Lemons Make Orange Juice and Leave the World Wondering How You Did It

It is June 11 th , 2013 at 11:41am. I am sitting at my desk at work, bored, and the only thing I can think about are how the things I have accomplished over the past year are more important than the things I have accomplished for the past 25 years of my life.  In January I decided what I wanted to do with myself and enrolled in school…again after telling my mother to fuck off from being on my back for soo long. I will be graduating this December. Sorry, but you cannot force someone to do something with their life when they are not ready. In our younger years we were told that we must graduate high school, go to some overrated college and we will find our dream 9-5  job. Now that we are in our 20’s, 30-somethings we know that is bullshit…with exceptions. Don’t go to an expensive university, loans will suck the life out of you. The name of it doesn't matter; your skills and being able to market yourself do. You’re not going to get your dream job right away just be...